I haven't actually been able to work too much on new designs--been busy with a custom order (which I did finish up today--yeah!) and another order for the Loopy Ewe. Keeping my busy, but I am really looking forward to having a little time to doodle around with some new design ideas that are rattling around in my melon!
So, we all know that a big part of having an online business is the promoting. The constant promoting! lol It's really not that easy finding fresh ways to get out there and let the world see your new creations. One way is to join in on some street teams--that way you get to hook up with some people who are pretty much in the same boat that you are--you know--power in numbers. I belong to 3 different street teams--and I really love them all. Good people and between the 3, I feel that most of my items are represented properly. Each one has a different approach to promoting too, which is good!
1) Cottage Style Street Team-- CSST We represent the cottage, vintage, and shabby chic stuff! Oh my! Just gorgeousness, really. This team has a NING group and a daily thread in the Promotions forum on ETSY each day. Just type CSST in the search bar "titles and tags" for fresh and beautiful cottagey goodness--new items listed every day. AND type CSST in the forum search bar to catch the thread each day, find the best and newest items added by the members and other goodies that they run across in their travels through Etsyland each day of the week. A real fun and sweet bunch of people.
2) Olde World Shops--OWS. We represent traditional crafts and methods being kept alive and well in today's world. Fantastic craftsmanship abounds here! Woodworkers, ironsmiths, pottery, painting, etc. The main promotions with this group are promotional mailings and one of the members is putting together YouTube videos, with a theme song and everything! Check it out (I'm in this one)
Just type OWS in the search bar and check out the wonderful crafts!
3) EtsyMom--- We are representing the Moms on Etsy. The ones who are dealing with raising the families and trying to squeeze in a little craft time on the side! lol There are lots of things for the little ones--fantastic beautiful things--but that is not all. Sometimes I feel like maybe I am a little old for this group, but hey--I have crafted for sanity and profit since my children were babies--and even though they are teenyboppers now--I'm still Mom and I'm still trying to squeeze in my crafts around their schedules! lol It's a wonderful group and I'm proud and happy to be a part of it! Type Etsymom in the search bar and see what you can come up with!!

Remember--there's still time to sign up for the drawing for this planner and keychain wallet--open until Thursday.....see the post right below this one for a link!!
What a cute planner! You have a wonderful blog!!
What a sweet bear! Thanks for stopping by my blog:)
Love your bear -- absolutely adorable!
Wow, love your Blog presentation.
Saw you on the ETSY thread, have you blogged today.
I am a newbie at blogging, and at ETSY.
Need to tweak my blog. If you care to comment and advise on mine it's
Hello! Thank you so much for stopping by my new blog with such kind words. I'm so glad; not only for the confidence you gave me but also for the opportunity to see your blog and your etsy shop. What lovely things you create! I'm sure they make people as happy as you do.
May I add you to my etsy blog list? I'm just getting started, but would love to give your blog whatever exposure I can.
Best wishes,
Awww, what sweetness...and yes, the constant promotion to get your product(s) out there can be so daunting, but it does pay off in the end! YAY!
You're doing a wunderful job! :)
thanks for coming over to visit:) i see you have the queen mother of shrines to the csst at the bottom of your page:)
i love your creations and your blog is very sweet:)
...and the bear is just darling!!!
SWEET bear! You are certainly a go-getter on etsy! I haven't joined a single street team! Shame on me, I know!
Hi Karen, love your blog.. i will be sure to add you to my blog and if you want too.. you can add me too! I am glad that you found these sweet little bears cause I am going to have one..yippeee!!!
Can't wait! What a great find!
Hugs, Linda
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