They always look sooooooo innocent, and then.........! Blammmo, splat.

The Apron Queen has a really interesting blog post about the Legend of the Rooster --be sure to check it out!! AND what sounds like a really yummy Chick, taters, and beans recipe.
If you click on any of the pictures, it will bring you directly to it's listing--easy peasy!This is the one she ended up choosing--know what? I had a feeling that she would pick this one!! lol The design on this one was inspired by the lovely artwork I won from her...see here and HERE .
Well, that's it for today--Have a wonderful weekend!
xoxoxo Karen
AND, that's not all!! I had a very good week--I also won a drawing at Amy's blog--Abundant Curiosities . She sent me this beautiful bunch of handmade quilled flowers and birds (aren't those little birds the cutest darn things?!! Yeah!) I just LOVE them and am in awe at all the work involved in making them--you have the patience of a saint Amy! Thank you so much Amy, and don't be surprised if you see some of these showing up in my work in the near future! Hers is another great blog--she has a lot of interesting things from the past to read about--be sure to check it out. And visit her Etsy shop if you are drooling over these flowers! lol
Do you like the purse my lovely daughter is modelling at the top of this post?? I found that really cool linen tea towel at a new antique shop I discovered last week (YEAH!)--and just love the colors and the stylized leaf graphics. I paired it up with a medium weight canvas, black and white with vines, and a pretty chartreuse quilter's cotton for a fun and funky bag. I love it and am going to use the other side of the towel (the one with the tiny stain) to make one for myself! It's a pretty handy little purse with the main body being one compartment and then 2 pretty good size pockets on the front. These are the best bags to bomb around with in the summer--hands-free sling bag and light weight enough to be comfortable, but still big enough to carry around your essentials. You can get this in my ETSY shop!
Here's a new item I just listed today--a cute little keychain wallet/pouch made from a gorgeous and fun vintage hankie! I love the colors on this baby! It's interfaced and lined and double-stitched in all the right places. It can be found HERE.
Our lovely friend STARRY DEBORAH is doing a giveaway on her fun blog- she is taking a trip to Paris soon--and that is the theme of her giveaway. Pop by and say HI and leave a comment to be entered. The actual prize is still a mystery, but.....she makes some absolutely gorgeous collages....... so maybe.....!
If you pop over to DirtyPrettyThingstoPonder--she is the hub for 6...yes SIX great giveaways!! Called "The Big Give"--make sure you get in on these! Pop over to her blog and meet some really great artists and get signed up.
Oh yeah, one more thing--SouthernLadyVintage is having a giveaway on her blog too--swing by and say Hello to her sweet self--and get signed up for it!!
xoxoxo Have a great day!
Pretty good huh?! lol SECOND---we finished my little office space!! Yeah, I just love it, it's so colorful and cute and CLEAN! If you click on the pic--it will take you to my Flickr page which has some fun little notes about the room!
Well, gotta go and do some sewing--thanks for stopping by!
xoxoxo Karen
Some beautiful vintage flowers!!! Yeah! So I can participate after all----I am so blessed. :o) Thanks again Natalea--you have made me a happy gal!
Know what else made me happy this week? The weather, oh yeah. It actually got up in the 50's and we were able to open up the windows for a bit and air out the house! Lovely. Rosie was enjoying having a little talk with the pigeons on the neighbors rooftop!!
I also got a couple new bagkeepers finished this week. It's been a while since I made any of these with my own embroidery on them--and I forgot how much I enjoy doing them! This cute one with the spring colors and the cute little birds is available in HERE.
I also did this cutey chickens one--in pretty red and aqua--but this one is already sold to the fabulous EstherSunday (if you haven't ever been to her blog---you should! She is really funny and silly--a great read!). Just thought I'd show it off while I still have it!
Have a great day my lovely blog friends!!
xoxoxo Karen