Show and Tell was always a favorite back in elementary school--being allowed to bring your favorite things to school to show everyone and also getting to see what the other's brought. I remember the excitement that would be around on Show and Tell day! Anyone else remember this as fondly as I do?
This is a bit of a long story so stick with me till the end --OK?? -so, I'm all excited and looking forward to Show and Tell............guess what ? The subject this time is vintage millinery florals. I could've cried! I don't have ANY! No hats, no hat boxes, and not even a little tiny vintage floral. Can you believe that? Oh well, I guess I will have to see what next week brings! *wipes tear away*.
I had such a wonderful thing come to me in the mail this week---just yesterday as a matter of fact. It came in a large long box...and when I saw who it was from....I could hardly wait to open it! I was the lucky lucky winner of Kandeland's blog giveaway!! Yeah !!!!!!!! And she sent me (lickety-split too, I might add) a great big box full of crafty goodies! OMGosh--a regular treasure chest!!

Some beautiful vintage flowers!!! Yeah! So I can participate after all----I am so blessed. :o) Thanks again Natalea--you have made me a happy gal!
Know what else made me happy this week? The weather, oh yeah. It actually got up in the 50's and we were able to open up the windows for a bit and air out the house! Lovely. Rosie was enjoying having a little talk with the pigeons on the neighbors rooftop!!
I also got a couple new bagkeepers finished this week. It's been a while since I made any of these with my own embroidery on them--and I forgot how much I enjoy doing them! This cute one with the spring colors and the cute little birds is available in HERE.
I also did this cutey chickens one--in pretty red and aqua--but this one is already sold to the fabulous EstherSunday (if you haven't ever been to her blog---you should! She is really funny and silly--a great read!). Just thought I'd show it off while I still have it!
Have a great day my lovely blog friends!!
xoxoxo Karen
Karen, I have to say, I love your blue walls! And bag keepers! I wish I had a place to hang one of them in my kitchen. I have absolutely no wall space. It is all cupboards and tile. How sweet was Natalea's gift!
Very pretty flowers, you received lots of lovely goodies.
Hi Karen!
Okay, your story is too funny! So happy that you won Natalea's giveaway!!
I have my flower I got from her as the first one on my post...
anyway, so glad you shared with us!!
Yeah! So happy you recieved some flowers from Natalea and was able to play along!
~Cerri xoxo
I won a big box from Kandeland last year, she has good presents, doesn't she?? (and I met her at Silverbella, she is a lot of fun)
What a collection! Beautiful. Love the embroidered bag keepers!
For your daily dose of vintage goodness & a bit of silliness, stop by Confessions of an Apron Queen, the home of Vintage Thingies Thursdays.
Yeah!!! You are now a proud new owner of vintage millinery!!! YIPPEE!!! Love your darling embroideries! Just checked out your shop and made you a fav!!! :) Happy Spring!
You won some lovely things. And now you have the start of a vintage millinery collection - how great is that!
Congratulations on winning a give away.
And guess what?? You have won my give away too!
Send me your address to amysewsorry@sbcglobal.net with blog winner for the subject and I will get it out to you!! Congrats!!
Ooh lucky you winning that wonderful stash! The flowers in it are wonderful!!!
Congrats on your win! Now you're part of the club :-) Love all your pretties in your etsy shop. Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog!
Lovely stash to win! Glad you were able to play along. Your bag keepers are very cute. I love all of your embroidery.
Sweet relief from Natalea!
What have you got coming in the mail this week? Could be a prediction of next weeks show and tell...
Oh how cute!!! And wouldn't ya know that Miss Esther grabbed the chicks! It will be darling in her kitchen!!
Yep! That precious bag is mine!! ~doing the dance of joy~ Isn't Karen just the most talented of critters??? What lovelies you got from Natalea! I am sure you will put them to good use. Thanks for your lovely compliment about moi! Now, excuse me while I go look for the perfect shop for the bag... Love, Esther
I'm so happy you like your giveaway package and got to join in the flower show-and-tell! yay! xo natalea
What great timing with the gifts your received. Everthing is lovely and you are as busy as ever. The Show and Tell sounds like such a fun idea.
Congratulations on your treasure trove, and what absolute serendipity that you received the vintage flowers you'd lacked for show and tell. The universe does not want you left out!!!
I can hardly wait to see what you make out of it all. You have a way of turning something beautiful into something absolutely fabulous.
I just popped over and found your blog! It is very lovely!
Congrats on winning a blog giveaway!!!
I hope you don't miss out on the next Show n Tell. Gosh, it sounds like a lot of fun. You're very active for 251. I hope I can be when I'mthat age ;0)
Well that Esther is a lucky chickie! The bag holder is adorable.
I always drool over everyone's millinery flowers. I don't have any myself. Your 'win' package has some gorgeous things in it. Congratulations!
I wonder what that little birdie is saying? They sure do get around! I haven't done any needlework in ages.
I really like the chickens in the red and aqua. That bag holder is SO cute!
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