Monday, September 22, 2008


Hello friends :o) From Miss Rosie and I!

Thought I'd share some little tidbits with you!

First--I was surprised with a nice convo this morning that one of my products was being featured on this fun blog-- On the Dot Creations

It's a really cute blog--and I think that the writer is as crazy about dots as I am (if that's possible!) LOL Thank you Julie!

I snapped up a TREASURY yesterday! It's called "Hope Springs Eternal" stop by and see!!

SympleTymes also linked me up this past week--she and her daughter enjoyed the FP tips and are excited to try the applique trick! Good luck and be sure to share your results with us!!

I had a custom request for a Christmassy bird ornament from one of my sweet regular customers (she has a growing collection of these birds!) so I did one up in red and white--
I made a few extras--so if you want one too, just click the pic!!

I used to do a lot of prim/country work (back in the day!) and I resurrected one of my fav projects, just cuz' I felt like painting for a change! Need something to make you smile for Halloween?
AND here's another little sweety I made up this week. One of my dear little nieces turns Sweet 16 today--(Happy Birthday Chani!) and I made her a cute little wallet and matching bag in honor of the occasion! I made a few extra wallets and you can find them in my shop too (yep, just click the pic!)

We popped in on my brother Paul this weekend--he is doing well. They took the last of the bandages off--so everything is healing well. This week he has a PET scan (yes, it took this LONG for the insurance company to agree to the tests =---what the hell! Grrrrrr!) and they will be tattooing him for the radiation treatments on Thursday. I get to go and babysit little Austin again while he goes to the doc, so I'm looking forward to that. Please keep him in your prayers--we are praying that he doesn't have any more cancer lurking about anywhere!

Thank you for stopping by--and have a fantastic day!!


Jeanene said...

Neat blog, and a beautiful cat!

Amanda said...


I can't wait to get my sweet little birdy! :D

Sal said...

I love the birdy too! You always make the loveliest things. ;-)

Susannah said...

The bird is so considering.

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