Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What's new in Whoville?

There is so much Christmas going on around here, it feels a bit like Whoville! LOL (Don't you just love the Grinch?!) I love this time of year, when things are busy and the days are just a flurry of activity!

Linds is so excited! She made the Dance team at school and their first activity is to dance in the Christmas City of the North parade this weekend. Yeah! She just got her big shiny pompoms and her outfit--and she's all ready to go.

I've been making Christmas and other stuff like crazy. I was going through some of my files and ran across this pattern that I designed a couple years ago. Remember the magazine "Country Marketplace"? Each year they would sponser a big ornament contest and I actually won the honorable mention award for this design. I wanted to make something that looked vintagey (and this was even before the vintagey style was in like it is now!), like it came from Grandma's Christmas collection. Well, I pulled out the pattern and whipped up a couple for my shop
I also found this lovely mustard star fabric--and it inspired me to make up a little country style quilt. I may have gotten a little carried away with the swirly things on Santa's beard and hat and moustache--but I think he's pretty cute anyways!

How about this--do you have a favorite Aunty who always got dressed up for Christmas, with her pearls and her favorite hat? This ornament was inspired by my Aunty Dolly.

I met a couple new people this week. Lauren recently opened up her Etsy shop. She ordered an item from me and we discovered that we are both from Minnesota, yeah! She also started a blog, and was sweet enough to do her first Etsy shop feature on my shop! yeah! Swing by and say Hi to her, she is really sweet!

The other person is From My Cherry Heart, she also has recently opened up an Etsy shop--REALLY cute stuff! Swing by and check it out! She has a fun blog to read too and is doing a giveaway so swing by there too and leave her a comment!

Well, I should go. I've been telling myself that I need to get to bed earlier--been burning the midnight oil AND rising before the sun! A gal needs her beauty sleep you know! Hugs to all!


Lauren said...

Hi, Karen! Thanks for leaving comments on my blog. That's so sweet that you sold that little needlebook. Just keep stitching!

Lauren said...

Oh! Who makes your repro vintage feedsack? We got some from Hancock's of Paducah, but now it is unavailable. Talk to you soon! Lauren

iSew said...

Karen, your ornaments are to die for. You're making it hard for me to choose.

Congrats to your daughter. I used to do (I wasn't in it, I did the decor & signs etc.) a huge cheer and dance event when I worked at Disneyland. It was a lot of fun.

Kerry and Rachel said...

Such cute Christmas ornaments. Good job!

Jenn Maruska said...

I hear you, Mrs. Kwitty! (I was up 'til 12:30 last night.)

This is a busy, busy time.

And it looks like you are making lots of pretty things!

Do you usually work on one project at a time - or do you have several things "in the works" at once?

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Thank YOU Lauren! I get the feedsacks from all over--some from Hancock's but they seem have stopped carrying them (dang!), I like have lots of Aunt Grace's and other feedsacks--and good prices too. There's a link in my sidebar if you want to check it out.

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Thanks Ginny!! That sounds like a fantastic job you had there at Disney--what fun! Thanks for your order--you are such a sweety!!
Smiles, Karen

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Thanks Kerry and Rachel! I'll have to pop over to your blog and see what you ladies have been up to!

Hi Jenn! Thanks :o) I see you have been super busy too, with your cute stuff and your shop looks fabulous! I tend to have a couple projects going at a time. Usually I will have a handwork project or two upstairs for when the family is home to watch movies or TV--and then maybe a couple downstairs in my studio--a sewing one and a paper one usually and I'll work on whatever one strikes my fancy that day.

Lauren said...

Thanks for the tips, Mrs. K!!!

Heidijayhawk said...

alright, i need to get my grinchy butt in gear and get some christmas mojo moving! love all of your new stuff lately. congrats to your gal on dance team too!

Home ec new Haven said...

Hi Karen,
Just dropping by to say hello and drool all over your lovely things!
Have a great week :)

Bonny (Bonny Jewelry) said...

your new items are fabulous - especially love your quilt!

great news for your daughter (although it can get kind of cold!) - hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting me, i'm glad i can come visit you too. Your stuff is so kitchsy and colorful, I just love it. Have a great day!

Amy said...

The snow lady with pearl necklace cracks me up!!!!!!

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