I was just over at Diana's blog (which is a great read--do yourself a favor and head over!) and she did a post about exposing her children to art at a young age. It really got me thinking. I think it's great to expose them to being creative when they are young. Let them see how art enriches your life. Let them see how good if feels to create something. Let them get their hands dirty--make a little mess and have some fun! Learn a skill. See something they like and see if they can make it themselves instead of buying one already made.
They don't really get it in school . They don't even get it in play anymore--when they are sitting in a chair pushing buttons and staring at someone else's idea of art displayed on the screen while trying to outwit the bad guy (or good guy depending on the game). It's sad really.
My two kids are only 18 months apart--one boy and one girl. I've always let them be a part of my crafting life--letting them get their hands into whatever happened to pique their curiosity. I always secretly hoped my daughter would enjoy sewing and embroidery like I do, and envisioned many happy hours spent crafting together and sharing secrets and laughs. Guess what?? Not her bag. She doesn't like it. She likes to sing and dance!!
But Joe, he is a natural sewer. He sat down next to me one day, when he was about 6 years old, and watched me as I was stitching blanket stitches around the outer edges of some Christmas ornaments. He asked if he could make something--so I got him a couple pieces of felt, scissors, needle and floss--gave him a couple pointers and just let him go to it. About an hour later he said "Look Mama, I made Purdy (our cat) a Christmas present" and held up a little blanket he had made by putting the 2 felt rectangles together and blanket stitching around the edges. His stitches were so good, I could hardly believe it! LOL Even now, being a macho 16 year old young man, he will sew on a button or mend a hole in a shirt when the need arises.
He has been taught to run a sewing machine--as has his sister--but he prefers the hand sewing. Lindsey prefers the sewing machine, and only if she has to! lol I am a little disappointed--but only a LITTLE. Isn't it funny how things turn out their own way.
They don't really get it in school . They don't even get it in play anymore--when they are sitting in a chair pushing buttons and staring at someone else's idea of art displayed on the screen while trying to outwit the bad guy (or good guy depending on the game). It's sad really.
My two kids are only 18 months apart--one boy and one girl. I've always let them be a part of my crafting life--letting them get their hands into whatever happened to pique their curiosity. I always secretly hoped my daughter would enjoy sewing and embroidery like I do, and envisioned many happy hours spent crafting together and sharing secrets and laughs. Guess what?? Not her bag. She doesn't like it. She likes to sing and dance!!
But Joe, he is a natural sewer. He sat down next to me one day, when he was about 6 years old, and watched me as I was stitching blanket stitches around the outer edges of some Christmas ornaments. He asked if he could make something--so I got him a couple pieces of felt, scissors, needle and floss--gave him a couple pointers and just let him go to it. About an hour later he said "Look Mama, I made Purdy (our cat) a Christmas present" and held up a little blanket he had made by putting the 2 felt rectangles together and blanket stitching around the edges. His stitches were so good, I could hardly believe it! LOL Even now, being a macho 16 year old young man, he will sew on a button or mend a hole in a shirt when the need arises.
He has been taught to run a sewing machine--as has his sister--but he prefers the hand sewing. Lindsey prefers the sewing machine, and only if she has to! lol I am a little disappointed--but only a LITTLE. Isn't it funny how things turn out their own way.
I really like this post. I have hoped that my kids will follow in some of my interests. It turns out they are even better than me at their very own talents!!!!!!!!!!! That's pretty neat!
I adore reading about how creative your children are and the wonderful ways you have encouraged them. Thank you for the inspiration! - Emily
It is funny how things turn out. My daughter is crafting crazy like me, and we both sing. It can be wonderful, but it drives me crazy when she raids my craft supplies, and then when I go to use it, everything is gone or a huge mess!! AARGH!!!!! We're never satisfied I guess. LOL! Love the photo of your cat holding the winning name! LOL!
It's hard isn't it? I have to remind myself to not assume that my son is just like me. Thank goodness!!!
Lauren (not really Nancy)
You've gotten me so excite about including my kids. Right now they're a wee young to be crafting TOO much (they're 2 and 3) but sometimes (when daddy's home) I let them play w/ stamps or what not.
Thanks for the encouragement!
By the way, I have a new challenge up on my blog if you're interested!
I remember how fun it was when my son was little. We were always making something. Painting, drawing, we made so many sock puppets! I miss that now that he is a teenager.
Very thought provoking. It bothers me that kids are given creative supplies but are then boxed into creating according to someone else's mandate. I tried hard to encourage my children to create what's in their own hearts and imagination when they were little.
Karen, I am so honored that my pithy meanderings inspired you to post your thoughts about being creative with one's children. I agree with you on all of your points, especially the computer-generated sinkhole that is marketed as creative play.
I'm so tickled to know how it all turned out with your kids. They never fail to amaze, huh? What I presuppose with one the other proves me wrong. My kids are 19 months apart, and it's a wild ride. Tell me I will sleep at some point?!?
I appreciate very much the kind words, especially coming from you. You know I'm a big fan!
Love reading your blog. Its great that you have taught your kids to be creative.
Miss Pinky likes to draw way more than I do. She also really likes to paint and make jewelry and sing and dance. She likes to do a lot of things and that's great for someone like me who also likes to do a lot of things. You have great kids! I guess their Mom has to be pretty darn special :)
I think it's great that your son knows how to sew on buttons, etc. That will forever come in handy. Lindsay's creativity comes through in song and dance but she might become interested in sewing later. She'll call you one day and ask if you can come over and help her make curtains and you'll be squealing "I've been waiting for this Linds!"
I agree Karen, they don't even teach cursive here in our schools which i think is disgusting.. i always crafted with my kids especially the girls but the boys even do base coating for me and it is a big help plus they love to do it. music and art are so important to children!! Hugs, Linda
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