I dug out an old pattern and did up a couple bags in two very different color schemes with it
I also took your wonderful advice--which I thank you for, very much!--and added a bookmark to my coaster gift/desk set. It was a really great idea and I think it turned out quite nice--see for yourself:
I've been tagged with a couple new meme thingees lately--one by Mrs. Dragon to do a "7 things" one. That one will require some thought! I've done a few and I'm really not that interesting!! LOL But, I'll try and give it some thought and see if I can think of a few new things to share!!
Then Sheila, of AlabamaKitchenSink tagged me with a middle name meme. This stinks for me because my middle name consists mostly of "e"s--Renee.
RULES: You have to post these rules before you give the facts. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog post containing your own middle name game facts. At the end of your blog post, you need to choose one person for each letter of your middle name to tag. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and to read your blog.
R = Reader, I love to read. When I was a kid I loved to grab a raft and float out on the lake for hours reading a book. I would often be found with my head buried in a book. I read out loud to my kids from the days they were born up until about 2 years ago. Every night. Seriously, my singing voice leaves MUCH to be desired, but I have a very soothing reading voice--so that is how I would send my babies off to sleep. I read all the Harry Potters out loud to my kids (except the last 2) cuz' now they are too old--they read to themselves :-( sniff.
E = Exclamation point!! my very favorite punctuation mark. If you read my blog--this should be very apparent to you! lol I can't help it, I get enthusiastic about what I am talking about --so there! lol
N = Nice. Follow the "Golden Rule" and treat others as you would have them treat you. Plus, I just LIKE people! So, I have been accused of being pretty nice.
E = Energetic. I like what I do--being a wife and mom and designing and making my crafts--so I have a lot of enthusiasm for all of it. Most of the time, lol.
E = Excellent. Well, this is not what I am, but what I strive for. But, I have an excellent time trying for it :-)
There. Now...who to tag?
JennMaruska---I see you haven't done this one yet.
HeidiJayHawk---over at the Wise Five.
Joni--- if you can tear yourself away from the spiders and rattlesnakes! yikes!
Kristi--over at her Sunnypond Home!
Carol--over at WIP, can you take a break from your absolutely entertaining alphabet series to give us a middle name thingee??
That was not easy--lol, trying to find people who hadn't been tagged already and who aren't on vacation or whatever! If you've already done one, I'm sorry--just ignore me ;-P
Have a great day!!
OKAY! I have two memes that I need to do so I will post them on Saturday! This will give me some time to think too!! Love the bookmark idea too.
Lovely projects you've shown--I love the fabrics and embroideries. The additions to your coasters really make for lovely sets.
I think you met your meme challenge just fine--and you're far more interesting than you think. Thanks for sharing your response to the meme.
Well Mrs. Karen Renee, that coaster gift set is just fantastic and cute as can be!! And what a great idea about the clip.
And you are VERY interesting I think! (I love exclamation points too. I always wonder if anyone gets tired of seeing them in my writings.)
Do your fingers ever get tired woman????? Sheesh, you embroider fast! I am so envious, but I think I am more of a winter embroiderer.
I'll get on that middle name thing soon (I really hate it).
I love your super-cute coaster sets.
I do so love to read your blog!
I read it almost every day. Don't tell my dust bunnies in the corner.
Wow! I can't believe you've got two kids in High School, haha! I've just got two nephews in high school.
I enjoy reading these tag thingees, it's fun to learn about people. I'm kinda glad you didn't pick me though because I'm one of those people without a middle name. I caouldn't think of what I'd want it to be.
What a cute & fun kitty!
Karen you are tagged again check out my blog!
Mine (Rachel) went off the 1st and 3rd, Kerry's went of the 3rd and 4th this year. It is amazing how fast they grow!
By the way, we love all your new items and projects!
I totally heart your coaster/pin/bookmark gift set! That really was a great idea! :)
cute stuff!
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