Hello! I was stunned to sit down and see that it's been so long since I posted---I've been dying to write, but had a hard time getting to it, lol. WHEW--what a week we've had here! We got Misty all moved into her apartment on Saturday--and she really seems happy there, thank you God!
It turned out to be quite the undertaking, as when we went to get Misty's belongings from where she had been staying prior to breaking her ankle (she was living with a "friend", and I use the term loosely) we discovered that all her stuff had been carelessly tossed into boxes and bags and thrown into the basement, which leaks when it rains. Long story short--the "friend's" teenage kids and their friends went down and stole half of Misty's stuff, broke a bunch of it, and the rest was water damaged and moldy. All her bedding and clothing had to be thrown away. Her books were all moldy. Lots of her dishes and knick knacks were broken. The girl took a huge attitude and started screaming about how nobody had told her what happened to Misty so she had just assumed that she had gotten "stuck with all that SH*T" and it wasn't her problem that it was all wrecked.
What a sad, sad thing when you are faced with dealing with people like that. I was mad as hell at first, but then I just felt so sad. This is another young girl with 5 kids aging from about 2 to 15--and I'll bet she is only around 30 or so herself--living on welfare and foodstamps with an abusive boyfriend who shows up once in a while when he's drunk or wants something from her. It's just grab everything for yourself in their world--no one cares for you and you only care for yourself. Sad.
Wow--that was a downer! lol Sorry to lay all that on you, but there is a happy ending to this story. So we've spent the week trying to get together all the things Misty needs to start fresh. We've gone thrifting and rummage saling--called all our family and friends for donations--and managed to get her set up really nicely. I think the best part of all of this is that Misty got to see what can happen when people help people out of love and the kindness of their hearts. She was really touched, and I think she has a whole different outlook on things now. I ask you to still keep her in your prayers, she still needs them.
OK! lol So, I guess you can tell...not a lot of crafting going on this week! :0D I think I only have one new item for show-and-tell! I have a bunch of these little white buckets that I plan to do THIS with--one down, 11 to go, lol. So, this one is listed in my Etsy shop if anyone is interested.
AND here is a stitchery that I designed and stitched up. I'm not sure if I like the frame or not.....so I haven't listed it yet. What do you think? I was going for a cottageyfeel with a gently faded look for the frame, but I'm not sure I pulled it off. Maybe it's that the tea stained fabric needs a frame that's not so white? I'm open to your opinions--all my brilliantly talented friends!
New Upcycle Ideas 762
2 days ago
Wow--quite a story but I'm glad that Misty is out of that situation and in a much healthier one. I was thinking about her the other day and made a prayer flag for her for my prayer flag banner. I'm still keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.
It sounds like Misty has really had a fresh start... maybe in some way, leaving all her old things behind was meant to be... they won't tie her to that life anymore.
Do you have a natural wood frame you could try with the embroidery piece?
The embroidery is very pretty.
It's good to have you back - I almost emailed you today to see if everything was alright! : )
What an apropos embroidery to sum up the trial you endured and overcame! I am really blessed by your attitude. I have dealt with broken people many, many times and it isn't always easy to take things personally. You took the high road and I don't mind saying that I'm proud of you!
And, I will pray for Misty. I know this left and indelible mark on her heart.
Hugs, KJ
Great story about the new apartment and set ups...a new start!!!!
Cut little bucket! I really liked your framed stitchery. Maybe a crakle finish frame??
Oh, I'm sorry to hear about all that. It's very good that Misty has a new start though and I'll be keeping her in my thoughts. The new items look great. :)
By the way, I hope this doesn't seem out of place, but I just tagged you. If you feel like joining the game, just take a peek at my latest blog post. :)
You are such a big hearted lady! I'm so glad that you could do such nice things for Misty. I know it's not easy but being kind is the best way to go.
Also, on the cross stitch, I like the white frame. I think it accents it nicely and it's oh so cute! HUGS and much love to you!!
What a great story to start my day! I fully agree with Jenn...her older possessions might have tied her to that life and she's got a brand new start now. How wonderful!
And how fortunate she is to have such a loving and compassionate family!
Also, I just love that little tin bucket pincushion and your beautiful needlework design.
Misty is so lucky that God put you guys in her path. Sometimes what we need is someone holding our had for a while to get us straightened out. I will pray for her as I pray for a cousin of mine who seems to be on his way down the right path. I just hope God puts a good Christian man in his company while he starts out his duty in the Navy.
As for the stitchery. LOVELY!!! Now, I feel like beating myself over the head, because if I were to be choosing the right frame for that for myself I'd have a mental block. But I feel that the answer popped into my head once my brain realized it wasn't something for me. I would put that piece in a white weathered frame. I don't know if you can buy them like that. In fact, I'd go a little off white. If you can't find one, perhaps you can paint a wood one and then sand the paint off to make it look weathered. What do you think?
Thanks so much JunieMoon--that is soo sweet! And I love your prayer flag banner...it's a wonderful thing!
Thanks Jenn--you know...I think you are so right! I'll have to bring that up to Misty :-) I'll try natural wood frame, hmmm, I think I have one of those around here somewhere too. (thanks for thinking of me--I'm OK!)
Thanks so much KJ--and all the prayers are sooo appreciated :-)
Thanks Amy! Hmmmm...crackle finish?? I like that idea too! Maybe a cream color over a brown?
Thanks Morrgan! I'll pop over to your blog after dinner when I have some time... I can't wait!!
Hi Pinky!! Thanks for the sweet comments! And hey, you ARE the official frame lady aren't you? lol (how you doing today sweety? You've been on my mind all day today (((hugs)))
Thanks a lot Dinah!!!
Thanks Kristi! I'll make sure and say a prayer for your cousin too.
I like your frame idea too!! (I had to chuckle, I am the same way--it's easier to make decisions for others, lol!
I just go through your blog today..and its really good that Misty has a great new start...yeah I am pasting it little late...But your presentation seems compel me to write a comment here...I think I gonna remember it for the times to come.
You received some wonderful comments on my blog for your beautiful songbird!!! If you have a moment, flutter over.
Hugs, KJ
that bucket is so uber delicious!
that is too cute...hope to someday change my home to cottage style...so refreshing...
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