One thing that plagues me is the constant need to get organized. Keeping a home with all the people and stuff involved is truly a challenge, and especially if one of the people in the home is a crafter/treasure hunter/sew-er/etc.--- ***ahem*** so I get EXCITED when I find some cool and easy way to help me. While breaking down boxes yesterday to get ready for the recycle truck, I ran across an empty cheese box--you know the long narrow ones that Velveeta and/or Land O Lakes comes in? It dawned on me that my carded trims would probably fit in there nicely! Ran down to my studio and....... if THAT weren't enough.....the two boxes fit perfectly, side-by-side into one of those shoebox size plastic tote boxes (which is where I had all my rick rack in the first place). Now I can see what I have at a glance, without having to dig through the box. I love it!
Oh I love love love organization tips! That's fantastic!
My rick-rack collection is fast out-growing the glass jar I'm keeping it in. I think I need to card mine the way you have.
Thanks for the tip! ; )
brilliant my dear. brilliant.
Just wanted to let you know you won something from my Etsy shop. Check out my blog. :)
Well Cheese Whiz, that's a great little idea. What a way to recycle!!
Organization is one of my ..ahem...weaker points in life, I'm good for a while then it goes to you know where in a hand basket real quick!
Hey, Mrs. Kwitty~~~~~~(little rickracks), I'm glad I'm not the only one! Used, but washed of course, plastic food tubs are stacked in baskets in my studio, all shapes and sizes for mixing grout, painting, temporary mom helps me, too, by saving anything she thinks I can use.
What a great idea. I think we will be having lots of grilled sandwiches at our house. Hee! Hee!
That is such a great idea! Thanks for sharing. I may have to steal that idea myself
well, i happen to love grilled sure, grill one up for me:) great tip, mine are all flung in a drawer and i can never see what i need...i had two old wooden cheese boxes that i wish i had seen your post BEFORE i glued dolls into them...ah well
how about some home cooked mac and cheese too? yummy!
He-he-hee ( can ya tell I'm tickled)Love the food box organizers (:) how fun..
hugs Patty
Great idea! I think I need a file box that sits on my dining table. All those papers seem to stack up there. Any ideas?
Now you've made me all keen to go and get organised and have a tidy up!
what a great idea...i struggle to stay organized as well! :)
Oh! I think I have ric-rac envy!
Isn't it a wonderful feeling when you get organised! Unfortunately it doesn't last very long in this house! Have a good weekend
This is such a great idea and I need to try the same thing. Thank you for sharing this wonderful organization tip.
I so know what you mean! Today is a day to organize my sewing heaps. Love all of your rick-rack stash!!! Perfect solution.
Great idea!
Look at all the rick rack!!!! :)
I love that idea!
Oh I think you must be sister in heart! Wow! I cant believe someone else uses simple things like butter boxes and cheese boxes in any effort to organize some of the many treasured stash of bindings and trims they have! I see where you say you know you do not have anything exciting to talk about.. but hey.... I have always said and repeated to my son that it is those who we like enough to do "Nothing" with, just sitting on a step in the quiet or whatever, it is those people that you know you can sustain a Real friendship (or relationship) with. So we like to read what you have to say on regular every days.
Oh I think you must be sister in heart! Wow! I cant believe someone else uses simple things like butter boxes and cheese boxes in any effort to organize some of the many treasured stash of bindings and trims they have! I see where you say you know you do not have anything exciting to talk about.. but hey.... I have always said and repeated to my son that it is those who we like enough to do "Nothing" with, just sitting on a step in the quiet or whatever, it is those people that you know you can sustain a Real friendship (or relationship) with. So we like to read what you have to say on regular every days. Kimi
Oh I think you must be sister in heart! Wow! I cant believe someone else uses simple things like butter boxes and cheese boxes in any effort to organize some of the many treasured stash of bindings and trims they have! I see where you say you know you do not have anything exciting to talk about.. but hey.... I have always said and repeated to my son that it is those who we like enough to do "Nothing" with, just sitting on a step in the quiet or whatever, it is those people that you know you can sustain a Real friendship (or relationship) with. So we like to read what you have to say on regular every days. Kimi
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