Sooo, I have finally gotten off of my lazy bunns and started walking --every day. Well.....just about every day. Ok.......5 days a week!!! lol It really depends on the weather (and not what you think, I don't mind walking in the rain....but changes COMING in the weather make my legs and feet hurt too much to do it) Yes, I AM a human barometer. LOL It's coming along pretty good so far. I got an MP3 player for Mother's day so I have some good tunes to listen to while I walk, which really helps. So far I've lost about 5 pounds and my legs feel stronger, yeah, so I'm happy!
My blog is suffering because of it though. I usually do my blogging in the early morning, that is my time of day. The brain is fresh and lively! lol Later in the day I just have a hard time thinking of things to write about and seem to get a sort of paranoia about the whole thing...weird huh? I'm going to try to do better and keep up with my blog AND get the walking in....bear with me!

and get something sweet for yourself!!

I also got these darling monkey love tags in the mail this weekend--aren't they cute?!! I won them in a drawing from CutesyGlamDesign --I really love them...and I need to keep an eye on Linds, cuz' I think she has got her eye on them too!! Thank you Ken--they are adorable!

Here are my newest tags---I did these up in this pretty coraly pink and brown

OK--I'm off to walk. Wish me luck.
I need to do a walking program for much the same reasons as you, so I appreciate your sharing this. And now my Dexascan has come back with not great news, so walking has now become an added imperative. Along with some good shoes, music does help as you mentioned. I went to the library and got some audio books to load onto my iPOD. Now I can listen to an Agatha Christie story while walking. It helps to distract me somewhat from the physical difficulties, kind of a one step at a time concept along with one chapter at a time. So, the next time I'm wobbling about the neighborhood, I'll think of you and know that I'm not alone.
Oh too funny Love your face shot ~!!
and ''the mourning of the lost waistline''...Love it ..
YOU are ''tagged'' honey bunny ..hugs Patty
Well! I have never laughed about someone saying they are fat until today! You had me rolling, and I am sure that you are not fat! Gorgeous yes, fat no! I totally understand that walking is a priority. Just don't blog quit all together! I would miss you terribly. But, I too have been blog slow, slow but sure wins you know, haha! I am sorry about your health! Another thing we seem to have in common! This is a bad one though! I like our others better!
Now, I did not laugh at the goodies you got in the mail! I am 100 percent jealous, you got some gorgeous goodies there!!! I love bird crafts!!!
Hi Misses....
I just started walking this weekend too. I went from chubs to fat several years ago, so it's high time to do something about it. They put in a track at the school right next to the playground, so I can walk while the youngins are playing. Yay! Best wishes with your walking....it's so good for your body! I love your blog, so I'll be looking for your posts.
Chloe Rose
Good luck with the walking. Motivation thou art fickle. Love the latest tags.
Good luck Misses Kwitty. I don't exercise at all so I'm very impressed with your efforts. How about a quick trip to California to walk with me. It's nice & sunny here!
p.s. I LOVE those monkey tags!!! Are you surprised? ;)
You are so hysterical!!! Love the post, and love the accompanying photo illustration. I am practically choking on my healthy snack!!!
I can relate. I've never been the physical type, and was only able to keep a good looking physical shape by being in bad physical health (read: a steady diet of coffee and cigarettes, easy on the nutrition). I'm on my fifth pregnancy in five years, with cumulative baby weight, and know there will be hell to pay soon.
But what can you do? You do your best, you try, and you keep doing what you love. You are absolutely divine and lovely at any size.
Great for you on taking bold steps to say healthy. I think that should be the main focus. Love yourself, and treat yourself well.
Love all the goodies, both coming your way and leaving your shop! You sure do pack a happy wallop.
i adore your newest tags!
don't underestimate the power of walking. try to find a scenic route, do it when the weather is best, listen to some good music or a book on tape, and it can become your favorite part of the day. before you know it, you will be losing weight while having fun:)
i know you can do it superwoman! craft. walk. blog. i have faith. oh yeah. there are those pesky kids.
I lOVE to walk...it clears my mind!!! Your tags are absolutly gorgeous...and I need them!!!
congrats on your new walking plan -- I am struggling to stick to mine at the moment too! :)
thanks for showing us all your winnings -- cute stuff!
Well I'm right there with you with my waistline creeping up to my age and that's not a good thing..LOL. Walking sounds like a happy and healthy alternative to get going, get in shape, and start improving our health. I never was for jumping up and down and crazy cardio. I can stomach yoga, weightlifting and walking though :)
Glad you received your newest edition to the heart art family :) I appreciate the recognition and you sending peeps to my shop!!
xoxox lucy
It's great that you do the walking! I canøt really work out because of my health either, so I know how you feel!
Okay, so I am with you all the way...except that I have been pretty lazy myself lately. You have inspired me to get up and go out for a walk. It is time to get back into a regular routine. Some very nice winning there too. Susan
Good for you! I actually have missed exercising the last few weeks. I know I'm weird. I wouldn't mind a walking partner though. How far is it to your house?!
The struggle. It's never ending. I can totally relate. I was mortified when I was looking at all the side effects of not having a thyroid.
Went to the gym on Monday and felt like my body had been hit over and over by sledgehammer.
Best wishes to you and your walking. We could all use a little inspiration and push.
HI Mrs K..
Oh you are so fun (:)
I hear ya on the blue writing hard to see am gonna do alittle changing here(:) Love cats too so glad you came in ..bye for now ... Have a wonderful day ok (:) Hugs Patty
oops I just posted in your old blog... you may not see it..
Repeat here---I Just saw the cat in the guestbook LOVE IT (:) LOL
hugs Patty
That's fantastic! Don't worry about the blog, just do what will make you healthier.
I really need to walk more,too.
Thankfully, heredity and metabolism are on my side as far as actual weight goes...but sitting at the sewing machine and computer is making me pretty jiggle-y. LOL
Love those cute tags!
Kimberly :)
I love that "portrait!"
Keep at it, my dear. You can totally do it!
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