It's been busier than usual around here and I have hardly crafted at all--and that makes me stressy! Are you like that? Creating things takes me to my happy place and it invigorates me and relaxes me at the same time. I am feeling a need to get back to it!
It should be a little easier now that Joe just finished up his driver's ed classroom work---his classes were about a half hour drive from here and so dropping off and picking up was taking up 2 hours of my morning (prime creating time! I am definitely a morning person)--and I am still determined to walk every day--so that is taking up another hour each morning.....see! Now we are going to go take his permit test on Monday--and then I suppose it's gonna be "Mom, will you take me driving....." right?? !

We had a fun birthday--my little goddaughter, Meggie, just turned 6!! She is such a darling and is now starting to lose her teeth ( I just love that!! cute, cute, cute!) She enjoyed her party and we had a beautiful day so the party could be outside.

Here's a pic of Meggie's nephew!! (yup!) Swinging with Daddy.Some new tags that I've added to my shop. (sadly, that is about all I've been able to craft lately!) But that's OK--cuz' I love making them and finding new paper combinations to make them with.
Oh, and poor Linds sprained her toe during dance last week. So she is hobbling around a bit and is mostly bummed because she can't wear her flip flops! lol
Have a fun day friends--What is everyone doing for the 4th??
Oh so sweet of you to say (:) all babies are cute aren't they (:)
I think Meggie is precious fun to have a granddaughter I bet (:) and the bird tags are darling too.. Lets get back to Joe.hehe..oh yes I remember those days of driving the kids around ....whew it can be exausting ~~!Hope you have a great day~~
~~ big hugs Patty~~
OOPs Meggie is a god-daughter (:) read it wrong~~ cute anyway ~~
Happy Birthday to Meggie...and I love those tags!! ;-)
sounds like summer is treating you well! hope you guys have a great 4th and i hope your daughter is in flip flops by the!
Thanks for visiting...yep our bunnies have long ears. I think technically they are Jack Rabbits. When I looked at your pictures I remember what bunnies with short ears look like...we have about a dozen bunnies in our lawn a day...from ones that could fit in the palm of your hand to adult size... it's fun watching them chase one another.
I get the same way when I can't "create" things for a long while. It makes me very crabby.
No plans for the 4th here...1st time in forever, maybe because I've been too busy to initiate any???
Oh my gosh, I can't imagine having a kid on the road, especially since I don't have any kids yet, hehe. They grow up fast, eh? I have a nephew turning 18 this year and it's totally freaking me out! ha!
That's ok because sometimes I don't know what I want to write about either. I usually just start writing and then something comes to mind. I do indeed have to be working on something crafty most all the time. I get edgy and nervous if I don't.
Have a great day!
Meggie is cute as a button! There is something so very adorable about children around this age, losing their baby teeth.
I know what you mean about the crafting too. When I'm unable to do much sewing for a week or two it makes me appreciate the craft more once I'm able to get back to it.
Our 4th will be spent with relatives in Md. which I'm really really excited about! I hope you have a great Independence Day!
Meggie is darling! I love her crown. All these kids and their activities can make you crazy, but what memories. I wouldn't miss one of them. I understand about getting a little antsy when not having your crafting time. It will come.Hang in there.
Oh, I love these tags! Very sweet!
It looks like your life is full of fun stuff! Your god-daughter is a cutie!
1-Year Blogoversary
I know what you mean Karen.. i am very crabby when i can't is my space and my time.. and it seems like it always comes last after everyone else's things! Oh well, i just grab it when i can... hope you get more time to craft!!
I love your tags!
I hear ya about wanting to get back to creating. I've been so busy that I now have a hard time with forcing myself to relax. I'm hoping inspiration will strike me soon! Good luck to you. Great pix!
hi. i came here via cuteable to get a closer look at your bird tags. love 'em!
i'm at the "mom, will you take me drivin' " stage, too!
hi there! i came over from waterrose's. greetings from tokyo. these are really pretty rags & i shall visit yr store to see more!
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