Been awfully busy around here...hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. It has actually been warm here, which is just what we have been waiting for. Northern Minnesota is not really known for it's mild Spring weather! LOL I love the Memorial Day 50% off coupon at Michael's! Yeah, I went and bought myself some lovely scrapbooking papers that I've had my eye on. Spent the day yesterday working on some new paper items for my Etsy shop. These are pretty cute, some animal, owl, and dragonfly tags. I hand punched them from black cardstock and handstamped them with the cute designs, added some little flowers and some colorful ribbon. The beauty of using these handmade tags on your gifts is that the gift recipient can keep the tag after the gift has been opened, and use the tags as a bookmark! Then every time they go to read their book, they will be reminded of your lovely gift! I also did up some other tags and little bags to go with them, but I was having a hard time getting the pic to download...will try a little later. Until then, have a great day!
P.S. Daisy is doing great, her stitches look like they are healing up fine and she is back to her old spunky, cheerful self! We bring her in to the vet on Friday to get the stitches removed and then we can finally remove the cone! I have a feeling she is going to go NUTS once that cone is off, I'm gonna have to put up all my breakables for a while I think, LOL.
The kids have....Only one week left of school....pray for me! LOL