Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Sunshine in the Garden Bag
I had the blahs when I woke up this morning, but now I think my mood has improved immensely--I need to go and get busy on a couple bags that the lovely kalos has ordered from me! Yeah! I just wanted to share the news.
Have a great day!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Busy, busy, busy....
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Birthday was a big Hit!
Here is one happy little girl!!! This pic is when she opened up her cell phone--my hub was sitting off to the side and caused it to ring right when she was opening it! Yeah!!
AND here she is opening the beautiful necklace/earrings set that the lovely PINKY made especially for her. She absolutely loves them!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Bitty Birdy Bag
I just made arrangements for some of my bags to be sold in a cute online specialty yarn shop-- The Loopy Ewe--and she wanted to go with a red/black color scheme for her first order. Sooo, I finally decided on and purchased some fabrics for them! I'm pretty excited about it and I hope they go well there. It will be nice to have another place to make stuff for besides my Etsy shop. Hopefully it will be a success for both of us. If you like to knit, you should check out her shop--it's really cute and she seems to be a very nice and friendly gal.
I made up this little pouch to give to Linds for her birthday--we got her a cell phone (she is gonna pee her pants with joy!) and I thought this would be cute for her to keep it in. I also made an extra one to put in my Etsy shop. It's just a little bag-- 6" x 3"--just perfect for a cell phone or ipod or just a little clutter catcher for your purse. She likes bright and colorful and funky things--so I think she is really gonna like this! I also got her a VERY lovely "something special" that Pinky designed especially for her. I will post pics after her birthday so you can all see how gorgeous!
We are coming along very nicely on the stairs too. I will take pics this week some time and show you all the progress! I do believe we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel!
Friday, March 16, 2007
Meandering through the Green
I am a green person. No, I am not the color green (ya big silly), but I love green, I love trees, I love grass--my eyes and soul thirst for green during the winter months. I think that has become totally apparent in my newest little bag that you see to the right! lol Check out this beautiful paisley fabric in a couple shades of green--it is both bright and funky and traditional at the same time--kinda like me. I added a band of a really pretty spring green polka dot and, of course I had to stitch on a cute little birdy!! It can be found in my Etsy shop--oh, and there is a tissue holder there too made with the same fabrics.
Guess what?!!! I am FINALLY getting high speed internet!! YEAH!!! I am so excited, I can hardly stand it! This dial-up has become so frustratingly slow now that most websites are so image oriented--and just trying to maintain my Etsy shop has gotten so time consuming that it is ridiculous. I ended up getting a really good deal because I also went and got cell phones for my daughter and I(Happy Birthday Linds!) (she is gonna pee her pants with excitement!) --so I got a package deal and saved some bucks! YEAH!!! It will get hooked up on Tuesday, I can hardly wait!
Monday, March 12, 2007
Pretty Purple Tissue Holder
This month month marks the THIRD anniversary of when I quit smoking!! Yeah! 3 years, WOW! At one time, I didn't think I would ever be able to do it. I was just reading a blog earlier, Cozy Etsy , where the author is still in the process of quitting. I can so remember how hard it was some days. I think that having coffee in the morning and driving in the car were the 2 hardest times for me. In fact, this is really weird, but I still sometimes will drive by someone who is smoking in their car, and my mouth will water! ROFL Isn't that crazy?! I am very happy to be a non-smoker, and I hate the smell of cigarettes now, but my mouth will still water once in a while for one--- God help me! LOL That is a powerful addiction! So, just a word of encouragement for anyone who is trying to quit or is just thinking about it--DO IT!! If I can do it, anyone can, really. Just remember to be kind to yourself, cigarettes are just like a drug, and your body has to go through the withdrawal, and ask our Lord to help you, and you will get through it all right.
Oh, I had such a good time at the birthday party yesterday!! The kids were so cute and I had fun playing and talking with them! I am so kicking myself in the pants because I forgot to bring my camera with!!! I HATE when I do that!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
BlooBirdy Bag
By the way, did anyone notice my new little sidebar goodie----->
This is the latest little fun thing that Etsy has come up with--it links directly to my Etsy shop and show the first 10 items in the shop!! How cool is that? So, if you want to shop, just click on it and off you go! Wheeeeee......
I am so looking forward to tomorrow! My little great-nephew is turning 2 and they are having his birthday party tomorrow. Yeah! I get so lonesome for babies sometimes. It should be a great time, I will see my little goddaughter too, who is 4 and just the funniest little girl you ever did see. She just started headstart this year and always has the cutest stories to tell!
Well, I better go and get this bag listed in my shop and go to bed. It's been a long day and I want to be well rested for tomorrow (it is really bad when you yawn all through church--I might give Fr. Tony a complex! lol). Good night ;-D
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Spunky Spools
Friday, March 02, 2007
Warmth Tissue Keeper
Just soak in the warm colors and vibe of this pretty little tissue holder....ooohhhmmmm....... Listed this morning in my Etsy shop.
Yeah, we can use the warmth here! Holy CRAP! Was that a storm or what? 1000 miles of serious storms. We got walloped with snow. 19.5 inches in a day, and for about 12 hours it was coming down straight sideways due to the 50-70 mph winds. AND it was thundering and lightning too--which is really unusual during a snow storm. We had drifts over 5 ft. deep in our driveway. It got so bad at one point that they actually pulled the plows off of the road! (I have been living up north in various places my whole life and have never heard of this before) the visibility was actually at ZERO and it was too dangerous to have the plows out. Awesome!
I see that we got by pretty lucky though, compared to some out there. My thoughts and prayers are with those who were hit by the tornados.
Here are some very cool (pardon the pun) snow related items I found around Etsy:
Crocheted snowflakes by Tradition
Snowfall in Love--snowflake earrings by Array
A beautiful photograph "Snow" by leighkolb
A cutey pie snowlflake baby hat by butterflydesign
Beautiful earrings "Blizzard at first Light" by giftbearer