Tuesday, August 21, 2007

A Prayer for all my Blog Sistahs

Every single evening As I'm lying here in bed,
This tiny little Prayer Keeps running through my head:
God bless all my familyWherever they may be,
Keep them warm and safe from harm
For they're so close to me.
And God, there is one more thing
I wish that you could do;
Hope you don't mind me asking,
Please bless my computer too.
Now I know that it's unusual
To Bless a motherboard,
But listen just a second
While I explain it to you, Lord.
You see, that little metal box
Holds more than odds and ends;
Inside those small compartments
Rest so many of my friends.
I know so much about them
By the kindness that they give,
And this little scrap of metal
Takes me in to where they live.
By faith is how I know them
Much the same as you.
We share in what life brings us
And from that our friendships grew.
Please take an extra minute
From your duties up above,
To bless those in my address book
That's filled with so much love.
Wherever else this prayer may reach
To each and every friend,
Bless each e-mail inbox
And each person who hits "send".
When you update your Heavenly list
On your own Great CD-ROM,
Bless everyone who says this prayer
Sent up to GOD.com Amen


Carrie @carrieloves said...

I love your prayer you had me at "And God, there is one more thing, I wish that you could do; Hope you don't mind me asking, Please bless my computer too." Thanks for sharing.

ShabbyInTheCity said...

I pray for my blog buddies who sometimes seem surreal...but God knows who they are!

Jenn Maruska said...

This made me smile this morning : )

Junie Moon said...

How very lovely! I don't blog yet (but soon) but think this also applies to folks who are blog readers. Thank you for sharing this.

. said...

I love this prayer! Hi I'm Denise reading your blog! Love it. I'm new to this blogging thing. Thanks for the inspiration. hopetreestudio.blogspot.com

suchprettycolors said...

awww, so sweet! i hope i'm still in there, even though i'm scarce these days. i enjoyed catching up on your excellent blog! your new bunny things are so precious. :)

Heidijayhawk said...

that is awesome!! you almost got a little tear. you just nailed it.

Unknown said...


How was vacation??? I hope you got enough R&R for the both of us!



So very sweet.

Dinah said...

This helps me start the day feeling pretty good, and at peace.
Thank you.

Betty said...

Bless you Karen!!

(Angie) Norththreads: said...

Back at you girl! Glad your back!!

Anonymous said...

Great poem, great prayer. Technology has its rewards. Thanks for sharing.

iSew said...

Soo funny.

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